Friday, July 4, 2014

Mikey & The Rainbow Bridge

Early in May, I believe the 6th to be somewhat exact, Mikey passed on to the Rainbow Bridge. Mikey was the last of our three chihuahuas and he had been sickly for some time before passing.

Just to give you some background, Mikey and Tippy never gave a hoot for Molly. In the two plus years that she has been here (nearly three this Autumn), these two just never liked her at all. But after Tippy passed away we would catch Molly and Mikey sleeping together; especially when they were waiting for Mommy. You know...the frienemy of my frienemy.... But mostly nothing but barking and growling and general dislike was the order for the day....all day...every day!

Since Mikey has left us, Molly seems to be more clingy than usual. She seems so much more sad when Mommy is not around and probably worse when we are both gone at the same time. It is almost as if, even though her and Mikey never really got along, she knows that she is the only one there. Like the sheer presence of Mikey was enough to satisfy her when Mommy and/or Daddy were gone.

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together.... 

Author unknown...

Of Fireworks and Thunderstorms

With today being Independence Day and one of those "Fireworks" holidays, I thought I would relay some information about Molly that many may already know; being that most dogs feel the same. That is that fireworks scare Molly (and most of her canine kind).

So since last weekend, random fireworks have been going off in the neighborhood. It is bad enough that we have to deal with Molly's fright and panic attacks on the very night that the local university and local amateur pyros do their thing but then we have to deal with this about nightly for a week. So now let's compound the issue...thunderstorms. Thunder, like the boom of fireworks, drives Molly crazy. Poor girl shakes a mile a minute, cannot get comfortable and runs about not knowing what to do. Our recently and dearly departed Mikey had the same issue but he was also a radar. If Mikey came up
From Top: Joey (2000-2009) &
Mikey (2001-2014)
to you and was shaking profusely and the sun was out, it meant he could hear fireworks in the distance, felt a storm brewing or knew war was imminent. We should have named him RADAR.

I realize that there is nothing that we can do to stop fireworks and thunderstorms. One is nature's arguments and the other is a spectacle that is undertaking by proud Americans to celebrate the birth of freedom in the USA. But for dog mommies and daddies you have to make sure that you do not get frustrated over the actions of your furbabies. They are scared and unsure of what is happening and the idea of not knowing what the noise represents is a huge catalyst for fear. So them and hug them and make them feel safe. After all
, it really is all they want when the noises happen.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Molly Investigates; A Noir Story

It was a hot and downright muggy morning. It was only 6 AM but I knew this was gonna be a barn burner today. You know the kind.

I was laying there minding my business while my people slept. I was working on a good piece of raw-hide when my one person, Big Daddy, woke up. Big Daddy. That's what Mommy calls him so I guess it's his name. So he gets up and rattles me for the morning walk. Boy I'm dreading this. Never really anthing exciting on these morning walks except a pee some and maybe have a morning constitutional while I am out there. It all depends how I feel, you know what I mean. Maybe today is different; I think its Wednesday so maybe I will get to see those big trucks that come through on Wednesdays. Of course, it occurs to do I know its Wednesday? What is Wednesday anyway?

So we're walking along. Good Lord! It's hotter than catfight in the middle of August out there. But up the street we go. I'm sniffing around not really getting any vibes. Haven't seen a cat yet. So hot the cats are hiding. Bitches! The worms are dead and dried up along the pavement. I better not stay out here too long because I don't wanna turn out like them. Well, I ate one. They sure are tasty. For some reason I don't think Big Daddy shares in my enthusiasm over them. His loss.

Something's happening around here. I can hear it. It's a familiar sound that I have not heard in some time. Let me think on it some more. Mine as well punch out a number two and make the 'rents happy while I think. You know what I mean...

That's done and the sound is getting louder. Wait a minute; I know that noise. It's that raspy lady person who always yells at her dogs while they amusingly drag her down the street. Here she comes with her dog. Hey Big Daddy, let me go. C'mon, loosen the strap, man! Geez, my person is strong. He is not budging at all. The raspy person and the dog are passing by on the other side of the street. Dammit! I missed again. It's like Groundhog Day or something. Wait! Gotta clear my head.

With them gone I must investigate. Gotta drag Big Daddy along so I can sniff around and pick up the scent of everywhere that big boy was at. If I have to sniff and lick every blade of grass in this nieghborhood, I will. I must get to the bottom of this mystery. Finally, something to take the opprssive heat out of my mind. I must find the scent of that dog. Alas! This is his pee on this pole. Well, we cannot have this type of behavior so I will just apply my own scent here. There. I realize this isn't everyone's cup of pee but it's how we roll in the pet world.

Now there is a site for sore eyes. A cat on a hot car roof. How did it get there and why can't I get it? This is crazy. Big Daddy keeping me at bay and what do you mean I can't has the kitty? I don't get it. Is this not why I am here? To rid this complex of vermin such as cats. Well have it your way. I'm just trying to help. Now we are back at the house. I think I just heard Mommy at the back door.

Wait! What was that noise? Cats are fighting. I have got to check this out. The problem is that Big Daddy keeps holding me back. I have to figure out what is wrong with this guy. Geez so much for entertainment. Well, at least we are home. It's much cooler in there and I have to get a drink of water.

Now that I got a snack; which by the way is the best part of these journeys. I had plenty to drink now I will just lay up here with Mommy for awhile. But don't you worry because it won't be too long now that I will be back on the hunt and watching up and down the street. You can count on seeing me conduct my investigations 4 or more times a day. So I'll be watching. I'll be watc....zzz zzz zzz zzz

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Our Muddy Buddy

Today being the second day of Spring and the weather being so nice, we decided to take Molly to the Bark Park and let her run around and play. What we did not count on is that Molly thought we were going to a MudRun for poochies.

Everything started out as usual with Molly making new friends and going after the dogs who attempt to "check her out". You might recall from earlier readings that Molly apparently has a rule; I can check you out but you cannot check me out. So she met some friends and ran around which is always nice to watch her have the opportunity to run free without a leash.

In the center of the Bark Park is this real nice canopy system so it provides some shade on a hot day. Well, because the Winter was so wet, there is a puddle of water under the canopy between the poles. Well, Molly kept running through it (as were other dogs) and getting her paws all dirty. Well, soon enough, she decides to run into the water, stop, and plop down dead center in the muddy water. She did this only for a second, which we think may have been a tactic to keep other dogs from checking her out. Think about it, if she is covered in mud, no one will smell her. Pretty ingenious if you ask me. While we were there we met a nice woman who had a great looking pooch. It was a Chihuahua and Yorkie breed. She was very skiddish and yappie but that was the Chihuahua in her; we know from experience.

Final story for this edition of the Chronicles. Obviously Mommy wasn't too happy with the mud situation and having leather seats in her car, Molly was made to sit by herself in the back seat. Well, from the parting shot below you can see I took this and many pictures like it on the way home. After each picture I kept thinking to myself why is she looking down. Well we soon found out. She was scaling the situation in the from seat because out of nowhere while we were driving she jumped over the seat into the front perfectly. I mean I could not believe she did not crash into the dash board. She really is a smart cookie. Until next time...