Wednesday, March 13, 2024

We Made Molly a Beach Bum

 For about five years, we owned a nice place at the Delaware beaches. So we spent a lot of weekends down there but you know, many places down there are not very pet friendly and so most of the season, we just hung out at our campsite. We did eventually learn that one or two beach spots allowed for pets during the season and so we set out to take Miss Molly to a beach and see how she liked it. 

“Hey Miss Molly….do you wanna —-“

Let me explain something about Molly. We have buzz words that we have to be cautious with while speaking in front of this incredibly smart fur baby. The phrase “Do you wanna” is one of these buzz phrases and so the very second that you’re probably at “you”, her ears have peaked, and she it sitting up ready to go on the balance of the question. 

“Hey Miss Molly….do you wanna go to the beach?”

Such a silly question, mommy and daddy. Of course she does. So up, perky and ready for the harness and leash. As soon as decisions like this are made, Molly is so ready that she demands we are ready to go immediately and therefore, we always find ourselves rushing to get out the door ensuring that we have everything needed. All this mayhem because we asked the fated, "Do you wanna---" before we ourselves were ready to go.

Upon arrival, Molly was a little hesitant and for good reason. This little doggie staring into the vastness of water...moving water with thunderous, crashing water and all the noise. So, what does she do? She runs amok around and near it until she decides to go a little further until she actually runs into the water. Of course, because she is so cute, we had to shoot video of this experience. so you can see for yourself. Does anyone else's Miniature Schnauzer act like this at the beach?

What a day for the little princess. She did eventually get into the water enough to get fully wet and she did her share of running around the beach. Needless to say that when we returned to camp, this little girl needed a big time bath to get all of the sand and salt off of her and she spent the next 12-14 hours sleeping peacefully. What a bum!

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