I was laying there minding my business while my people slept. I was working on a good piece of raw-hide when my one person, Big Daddy, woke up. Big Daddy. That's what Mommy calls him so I guess it's his name. So he gets up and rattles me for the morning walk. Boy I'm dreading this. Never really anthing exciting on these morning walks except a pee some and maybe have a morning constitutional while I am out there. It all depends how I feel, you know what I mean. Maybe today is different; I think its Wednesday so maybe I will get to see those big trucks that come through on Wednesdays. Of course, it occurs to me...how do I know its Wednesday? What is Wednesday anyway?
So we're walking along. Good Lord! It's hotter than catfight in the middle of August out there. But up the street we go. I'm sniffing around not really getting any vibes. Haven't seen a cat yet. So hot the cats are hiding. Bitches! The worms are dead and dried up along the pavement. I better not stay out here too long because I don't wanna turn out like them. Well, I ate one. They sure are tasty. For some reason I don't think Big Daddy shares in my enthusiasm over them. His loss.
Something's happening around here. I can hear it. It's a familiar sound that I have not heard in some time. Let me think on it some more. Mine as well punch out a number two and make the 'rents happy while I think. You know what I mean...
That's done and the sound is getting louder. Wait a minute; I know that noise. It's that raspy lady person who always yells at her dogs while they amusingly drag her down the street. Here she comes with her dog. Hey Big Daddy, let me go. C'mon, loosen the strap, man! Geez, my person is strong. He is not budging at all. The raspy person and the dog are passing by on the other side of the street. Dammit! I missed again. It's like Groundhog Day or something. Groundhog.....groundhog.....food...... Wait! Gotta clear my head.
With them gone I must investigate. Gotta drag Big Daddy along so I can sniff around and pick up the scent of everywhere that big boy was at. If I have to sniff and lick every blade of grass in this nieghborhood, I will. I must get to the bottom of this mystery. Finally, something to take the opprssive heat out of my mind. I must find the scent of that dog. Alas! This is his pee on this pole. Well, we cannot have this type of behavior so I will just apply my own scent here. There. I realize this isn't everyone's cup of pee but it's how we roll in the pet world.
Now there is a site for sore eyes. A cat on a hot car roof. How did it get there and why can't I get it? This is crazy. Big Daddy keeping me at bay and what do you mean I can't has the kitty? I don't get it. Is this not why I am here? To rid this complex of vermin such as cats. Well have it your way. I'm just trying to help. Now we are back at the house. I think I just heard Mommy at the back door.
Now that I got a snack; which by the way is the best part of these journeys. I had plenty to drink now I will just lay up here with Mommy for awhile. But don't you worry because it won't be too long now that I will be back on the hunt and watching up and down the street. You can count on seeing me conduct my investigations 4 or more times a day. So I'll be watching. I'll be watc....zzz zzz zzz zzz
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