Saturday, September 21, 2013

Molly Visits the Bark Park

Every once in a while (a GREAT while) I have a great idea. Today I decided that we should take Molly to the new Bark Park that recently opened at the community park. She really enjoyed the entire experience which started out as a walk along the walking trail en route to the doggie play area.

We have never had her in an interactive situation with other dogs other than meeting neighbor dogs around the complex so this was a very unique experience not only for Molly, but for mommy and daddy as well. There were about 10 or so other dogs there and the park is split into two fenced areas; one for small dogs and one for large dogs.

I had a great moment today because I met another Miniature Schnauzer breed. He is a rescue whose mommy saved him from an abusive situation. She thinks he is mixed with Jack Russell but I did not see Jack in him. As you can see from the picture, he has the same coloring of Molly. Bonus, I think he wanted to come home with us when we left. But that will be our secret.

What a great thing for the county to do by putting in the dog park so that dogs can go somewhere to run free. This really helps folks like us because we cannot have enclosed areas at our home where we can do this with the fur-babies. And now to bring this blog to a close, here is a small video clip of Molly wandering around leash-free with the other dogs. See ya next time!

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