Sunday, September 29, 2013

Molly Prepares for Halloween

With Halloween fast approaching, it was time to do that thing that all parents have to do with their children; and with Molly it is no different. It is time to pick out this year's Halloween costume. Now this is a very tedious process especially after the Great Santa Suit Disaster of 2011. However, we were fortunate that Molly has begun to accept her outfits as she did with her dress. So this should not be too bad, right?

The choice was clear. Molly would be a witch this year, which on many levels is a wise choice..haha.

So the outfit fits better and Molly is much more tolerant with the way the costume goes onto the body. What she does not like, and quite honestly I have yet to meet a dog who does, is the hat that goes with the costume.

So this year at Halloween, there will be one more witch in the household here. A beautiful, furry, loving witch...named Molly.

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