Sunday, September 29, 2013

Molly Prepares for Halloween

With Halloween fast approaching, it was time to do that thing that all parents have to do with their children; and with Molly it is no different. It is time to pick out this year's Halloween costume. Now this is a very tedious process especially after the Great Santa Suit Disaster of 2011. However, we were fortunate that Molly has begun to accept her outfits as she did with her dress. So this should not be too bad, right?

The choice was clear. Molly would be a witch this year, which on many levels is a wise choice..haha.

So the outfit fits better and Molly is much more tolerant with the way the costume goes onto the body. What she does not like, and quite honestly I have yet to meet a dog who does, is the hat that goes with the costume.

So this year at Halloween, there will be one more witch in the household here. A beautiful, furry, loving witch...named Molly.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Molly Visits the Bark Park

Every once in a while (a GREAT while) I have a great idea. Today I decided that we should take Molly to the new Bark Park that recently opened at the community park. She really enjoyed the entire experience which started out as a walk along the walking trail en route to the doggie play area.

We have never had her in an interactive situation with other dogs other than meeting neighbor dogs around the complex so this was a very unique experience not only for Molly, but for mommy and daddy as well. There were about 10 or so other dogs there and the park is split into two fenced areas; one for small dogs and one for large dogs.

I had a great moment today because I met another Miniature Schnauzer breed. He is a rescue whose mommy saved him from an abusive situation. She thinks he is mixed with Jack Russell but I did not see Jack in him. As you can see from the picture, he has the same coloring of Molly. Bonus, I think he wanted to come home with us when we left. But that will be our secret.

What a great thing for the county to do by putting in the dog park so that dogs can go somewhere to run free. This really helps folks like us because we cannot have enclosed areas at our home where we can do this with the fur-babies. And now to bring this blog to a close, here is a small video clip of Molly wandering around leash-free with the other dogs. See ya next time!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Molly Has A Boyfriend

There is that time in every Daddy's life when he knows his girls will meet someone. Well, this is true of our Dog-ter as well.

Enter Poncho; a mix breed of Dachshund and Jack Russell Terrier. He is OK, I guess. He seems nice, very interested in Molly. Problem is he has no job and no hopes and dreams. All he does is run around and stare at the sky and my Molly. I mean seriously, dude...get a job or something.

Now, Molly is very smitten over Poncho. Every time Poncho is outside with his parents, the two must get together and play. It is to the point now that if we walk by their house and Poncho is not outside, Molly whimpers and cries the whole way passing the yard. That is one thing about Molly, smart as a whip, never forgets anything.

One of the benefits that Poncho has over her is that he is hardly ever on a leash. Crazy as this sounds, he must smell her coming because if he is not leashed he comes running down the street to meet her. Then they go at it having a blast. It's funny because you know how dogs have to smell each other, right? Well, Molly has to constantly check out Poncho but so help her god if Poncho tries to check her out. Molly is not too much into the checking me out thing. The good news, when we get to have a play date with Poncho, Molly is definitely tired out and therefore we always hope for an evening play date on her last walk of the night and that usually puts her out.

So, I suppose as long as he does not hurt her, I will be OK with Poncho. Basically the same rules apply that apply to my daughters...treat them right or bleed...badly.... This must be what they call...Puppy Love!