Monday, June 3, 2013

Molly's First Christmas

As the Christmas holidays rolled upon us back in December of 2011, Molly was still a tiny little puppy. She was cute as well. And you know what happens to little cute puppies right? Mommy & Daddy buy embarrassing puppy clothes. This year was no different.

We took a ride to Koziar's Christmas Village in Pennsylvania with our good friends, Rick & Dana. Now after touring this amazing facility, it is common practice of the Sisterhood of the Wives that you must stop by the gift shop. And of course in this gift shop, there was a selection of Santa suits for doggies. Sharen had to have one and if there are any comments posted that state that I wanted one...well, the jury is still out and deliberating that one.

Ahem..back to the story. So we actually could not wait to get back home and try this outfit on Molly. Looking back and looking at the pictures, I think Molly felt that she could have waited longer. So when we returned home and had some fun and laughs dressing Molly up in the Santa suit. Though she looked very cute, she did not quite like it and naturally by the time we finished our photo session, she was chewing her way free from it.

In our next posting, we look back at more from Molly's first Christmas and her meeting with her "cousin". Stay tuned!

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