Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Pretty in Pink

So you have, no doubt, seen in the pictures so far that Molly's color is pink. Now I should point out that Mommy has decided that Molly's color is pink. Dogs are color blind.

Is there a such thing as going over-board on colors and designs and even garments for your pet? I often wonder about this as Mommy continually builds wardrobe and accessories for Molly...as much in pink as possible. Let's take an inventory so far:

Molly has always had pink harnesses. I say it that way (always) because as just under 2 years old, this pup has chewed through 2 harnesses so far. Her current harness is a pink leopard pattern (my niece is so proud) and is rugged...er...because Daddy bought this one. The latter one is holding up pretty good.

Molly has a pink leash. Molly's pink leash has a pink bone attached to it with a pink ring that holds pink poopy pouches.

By the way, if the weather is inclement, Molly has a pink ski vest that will protect her from the rain or snow and keeps her belly warm in the winter. We did try tiny infant pink socks to protect her feet but she was not having any part of that.

Finally, I think, Molly has a sexy pink dress that says, "Maneater: Watch Out Boys She'll Chew You Up!"

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