Sunday, June 2, 2013

Who is Molly?

Greetings Visitors and welcome to The Molly Chronicles. This blog starts as a result of a popular series of posts on Facebook, all of which will be moved here. But if you are new and wondering why you are here and just who is Molly, then this is the appropriate way to start.

Molly is a mixed breed puppy. Part Maltese, part Miniature Schnauzer and all cute. Of course, being that I am her daddy, I may have a biased opinion, but you be the judge. Let's begin our journey with a short story about how Molly came to be our pet.

While working one Wednesday evening, my wife calls me and tells me she is with her girlfriend at the pet store. "Can I buy a puppy", she asks. I tell her no. " I am sorry, babe, but we cannot afford it and I thought we discussed that after our beloved Joey died, we were not getting anymore dogs..."

I went on to tell her that our other two dogs, both of which were Chihuahuas, were not going to appreciate the addition of another dog. Well, I promised a short story so I will tie this up for you. I come home from the client's house and there is my loving, obedient wife...with a new puppy on her lap. Apropos of nothing at all, it should be noted that my wife hears opposites.

Thus begins the journey of Molly in her new home. Now the very first Chronicle, which is next, deals with Molly's fist week. Stay tuned.....

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